Julie True Soaking Music

Worship 24/7: Live Soaking Worship MP3 Album

MP3 Download (Entire Album) - $9.99


New Release -- Worship 24/7 - Live Soaking Worship Music - MP3 Download

At a time when we all need an extra measure of peace and comfort, Julie is releasing the audio from her 1 hour and 43 minute long MP3 audio track from the Worship 24/7 DVD. It is two entire albums rolled into one continuous live soaking worship experience.

Julie True is known around the world for bringing an atmosphere of peace, rest and healing through soaking worship. This recording captures several of Julie's best-loved soaking songs, as well as in-the-moment spontaneous songs and instrumental pieces that distinguish her style of free-flowing, unrehearsed soaking worship. 

The Worship 24/7: Live Soaking Worship DVD and Audio MP3 Album was filmed and recorded at the It's Supernatural television studio in front of a live audience.

This product is the MP3 Download Audio Album.

PLEASE READ: MP3s are digital products that can be instantly downloaded to your computer and played on other MP3 devices including smartphones and tablets. No product will be shipped to you. All sales are final—no refunds on digital downloads. If you have any questions, please email us at:


Copyright Notice: This webpage and its contents, is copyright of TrueHeart Worship — © TrueHeart Worship 2007. Any redistribution or reproduction in whole or in part, of the contents of this webpage, including but not limited to images, audio, video or descriptive text, in any form, without written permission from TrueHeart Worship, is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.


Welcome to JulieTrue.com, your source for spirit-led soaking worship music that creates an atmosphere of peace and comfort through anointed spontaneous soaking worship soundscapes. May you be blessed and encouraged and may you encounter the loving comfort of your heavenly Father while you listen.

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